Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Photo 2/365

There are two explanations behind this picture. The first is that I really wanted to try doing a bokeh photo. For those who don't know the term, bokeh is the blurry lights in the background of this photo. The second is that I got home really late from work and there wasn't anything interesting in my apartment to take a picture of (and I didn't feel like going outside) so I manufactured a little something by digging through the closet, finding my Christmas lights and draping them around my bookcase. I can't really decide if I like it or not, but at least now I know how to do bokeh.

And yes, that is the frame that hangs on the door in "Friends" case you were wondering.


  1. I love this one! It is so cool! Is that your Friends picture frame?

  2. You clearly didn't read the description haha

  3. it just says christmas lights are in the background

  4. "And yes, that is the frame that hangs on the door in "Friends" case you were wondering."

    At the bottom
