Initially we were talking about a date in October or November, but while looking at races we noticed one of the San Francisco marathons takes place on July 29, 2012. That day also happens to correspond with my 25th birthday. And, while my ideal birthday doesn't involve me passing out or puking, I have decided that there is no better way to celebrate my first quarter of a century than with a major accomplishment.
I've decided to keep a blog for two reasons. The first is to keep myself accountable (although that didn't work out very well with my 365 day photo project...see below). The second is for inspiration. It will inspire me, putting finger to keyboard about my experiences, but just maybe it will inspire you to challenge yourself in some way. If I, the self-proclaimed running hater, who uses bad knees that are only bad sometimes as an excuse and who has not run more than a mile without stopping since they made us do it in middle school, can run a half marathon, then you sure as heck can do something pretty cool too. I'm also going to need your help to motivate me to keep going and to share any tips or words of wisdom you might have. Ok, that was three reasons. Apparently neither running nor math are my strong suits.
I think that is a wonderful way to start the next 25 years of you!